Sunday, July 22, 2007


things have never been so choppy, and you know i get seasick easily.
but weird thing is, i've never wanted something so much until this.
it is making my head spin along with other parts of my body that it hurts.
but i'm determined sweets.
but is it just blind determination for something so uncertain?

why is it so difficult to be happy? afterall, arent we living to pursue for happiness?
or is it, since it is too difficult, it may not be happiness afterall?

don't leave just yet, yea sweets.

Friday, June 29, 2007

live broadcast from TCC 

reporting to you 'live' from TCC.

many reasons to celebrate ya'all!
firstly, its friday night yo!
secondly, GST offsets holler! so check your savings accounts.
thirdly, its eve of the eve of Youth Day, kiddos. HAPPY YOUTH DAY!

forthly, i survived Practicum Week 1. ta-dah. 1 down, 9 to go.
fifth-ly, exclusive youth day holiday access to teachers only on Monday! sweet!
i'm celebrating with my sweets, great coffee-choc-mint concotions, cozy couch corner and music soothing to our ears. talk about rilek one corner beb.......

a perfect finale to the whirlwind week.
signing out.
from TCC.
have a great weeeekend!

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Monday, June 25, 2007


i think it is all about having to commit to something big.
having to sacrifice your blood and soul to something uncertain of success.
and having so much at stake - my reputation, livelihood, and the bloody bond.

these things complicate life.
if only we are simple people with pure goodness and intentions.
the world could be a happier place.

sweets, now i know how u feel.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

praying for strength 

i'm feeling melancholic again. drama mama emo. i hate feeling all feelingy like this. bleargh.
i don't understand at all, it is just a job. not even an official one yet, just a practice cum assessment thingy. and it is only for 10 weeks. and i've always thought this might be IT, the THING for me. so why do i feel - dread?

*reflection refelction*

ok. i know why. it is all about going through a new experience, a new place, new people all ALONE. i cant recall the last time i stand on my own 2 feet. when i want to do something, i will always drag in a friend. or worse, i get dragged into something just to avoid doing something else alone. omg woman, you are a daymn coward!

i have always felt dread at the idea of being alone. when i was a little girl, age became an acceptable excuse for such feeling. but at a whopper double-digit number of an age, it is plain cowardly. i thought i had overcome such fears, but i guess, i've just been avoiding it all this while.

well maybe it is time i face the devil. i cannot possibly all my life hide in one dark corner where no one can see me right? sobs.

oh dear. please give me the strength that i need. InsyaAllah.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

panic Mode 

i'm not one who freaks out easily, but at this moment, i am scared out of my wits. Monday is nearing and I cant believe how intimidated i feel!!
i have not taught a class ever in my life and yet they are goign to assess me on my teaching?!
oh nooooo...
i'm so so so so so so so so so so in panic mode.
i'm really praying extra hard for helpful understanding mentors and colleagues and flexible hours. cos i need to draw up complete lesson plans for every lesson every day!!!!
please please, please give me the strength and patience.

i hope it is not too late to pray.


go girl.
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